Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Reasons why being Italian and Hispanic are the best

1. Food, food, food, and oh did I mention FOOD!!!

This had to be my number one reason as to why I love being both hispanic and Italian. No matter which family event I am attending, I always know never to wear tight pants to them. I can honestly say I am blessed to have the combo of my background because I am blessed with the food that comes with it. Pizza, pasta, tamales, enchiladas, quesadillas; I could go on and on with a list of foods that are at my typical family party but I don't want to make anyone jealous here. The best part about having two of the best food categories in my family is that I get to learn how to cook it all. 

2. You have about 400 cousins, some that you had no idea even existed.

This pertains to both sides of being Italian and Hispanic. Typically when I am talking to my friends about family events they have, they usually just talk about their small gatherings with their typical crew, but when I get together with either side of my family I am meeting family for the first time. My mom for an example, has 31 first cousins and I am still trying to learn everyones name. Whenever I tell people that I have at least 30 cousins on just one side, it leads people to confusion.

3. We go above and beyond when it comes to birthdays, holidays, communions, graduations, you name it.
For every special occasion, one can expect a huge display of food and a huge turnout with lots of dancing. Being hispanic and Italian, it is in our blood to have a close bond with our family which is why any reason getting together consists of a celebration. 

4. Family

I am blessed to come from a family where both sides put family before anything else. The love and strength that I get from both sides has made me the person that I am today. I am a very passionate and caring person and have learned to not take my family for granted but to be thankful everyday. My hispanic and Italian roots have showed me that we love to love with all our hearts and taught me how to be proud of myself with everything I do. 

5. You have the best smelling house out of all your friends.

When it comes down to my Hispanic mother who loves to clean and my Italian father who loves to cook, I definitely win the award for the best smelling house. That is probably the one thing I get most excited about when I go home for breaks. It is definitely something that I did not know was so amazing until I left for college and came back for the first time for Thanksgiving. 

6. You learn the best ways to cooking and cleaning.

When my mom hears that people are coming over that immediately turns the mood in the house from calm to chaotic. When my mom starts to clean she can't stop and goes on a rampage. I am not complaining though because I take after my mom when it comes to her cleaning skills. Both my mom and dad cook but I would definitely say my dad is the main cook in the house. He is the best with wanting to teach my sisters and I his recipes to each meal which is the reason why I love cooking.  

7. Always the best dance partner

Being a good dancer or having good rhythm is something that everyone in my family has, but mainly on my Hispanic side of the family. My mom who is Hispanic definitely has better rhythm than my dad does; but he tries to keep up. With good dancing genes in the family, it was beneficial towards my dancing career since I was 5. 

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