Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Is Chinese people really weak?

I once heard about some prejudice to Chinese people that Chinese people are too weak when solving problems, which means we tend to choose the way of drawing back or accommodating.

It is kind of bias of Chinese culture, or kind of one-sided understanding of our culture. In our culture, since we were very young, our parents and teachers would teach us to be modest and prudent, which means when you have some conflicts with others, the best way to solve the problem is to step back for both sides, even if you think you are right. There are some Chinese saying, “If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” Which means you can earn more if you choose to be resigned even you are angry or wronged. Another saying is “Specious words confound virtue. Want of forbearance in small matters confounds great plans.” (From the book <Analects of Confucius>). This saying teaches us that if you want to have great success, you have to calm down when solving small matters, or you will foul up your plans. Many other sayings like this taught us this kind of idea to solve problems. So it is not because of Chinese people are weak or afraid to have conflicts, we just believe that stepping back will make us earn more.

But in some cases, I do believe that this culture or behavior may have some bad effects. In our daily life, some may choose to step back when having troubles, and they may lose some chance or benefits. This often happens when we run for a job or a chance, our culture taught us to be modest and self-effacing, and we may feel ashamed to contend for that chance, which may make us lose a lot. Also, some people believe that Chinese people were too “modest” when facing crisis of the country in the modern history of China of the Qing dynastic, they step back over and over, and the country were thrown into a passive position. So this culture doesn’t work all they time, we also need to learn to keep the balance of modest and arrogant.

In all, the Chinese people have the different culture and philosophy of facing and solving problems, it may seem strange or too positive in some ways, but we do believe that it is one of the best way to be kind to others, and we may learn and earn more from it. “A bad bargain is a kind of blessing.” And we will learn to keep the balance of this culture, and make it be acceptable to all people.

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